Public sector and Outcomes Planning

Etvia have built the first dedicated service and solution for government, that integrates strategy and outcomes planning – Outcome planning.

Etvia’s public sector services and software solution is built to enable the effective, efficient, controlled and sustainable management, simultaneously, of the organisation’s strategy for the team and their outcomes plan into government.  We bring the best of a distributed network for delivery and reporting that can be easily brought together for a complete, transparent picture for oversight, reprioritisation and decision making and we support the leaders and the teams to transition culturally to take up this expanded role in the deployment, leadership and execution of the integrated strategy and outcomes plan.

OBPetviaTRACE manages the end to end process of Strategy and Outcomes Planning from deployment, to execution through to the evidence bank. It builds out the network for outcomes leadership, output delivery and the requisite measures. It achieves a single reference point for execution tracking, financial and non-financial measures and cultural indicators that monitor engagement levels in the work and team to team collaborations.

Having a purpose build strategy management system is key is key to mastering of strategy and outcomes execution and equally so is building genuine engagement and accountability across the team to lead, execute and collaborate across organisational structures. Working in this agile way, enabling people to lead and follow outside traditional lines of authority requires building a full understanding of the cultural and ‘organisational system’ enablers needed for this to be sustainable way of working and not disruptive to effective operations. At a personal level it requires building up the communication skills and leadership awareness to support people to engage in different ways including establishing how to effectively enrol others, build engagement and establish clear lines of interdependencies and accountabilities for the delivery of integrated outcomes.

An Etvia supported Strategy and Outcomes Plan deployment project will build and leave in place two, critical self-sustaining enablers: 

  1. Strategy and  Outcomes Plan process and OBPetviaTRACE:
  • A centralised control and management system for the Strategy and Outcomes Plan with a devolved network for delivery and reporting
  •  A technology enabled, consistent and sustainable process that can be replicated by the team year on year
  •  A fully deployed strategy and outcomes plan

2. Strategy leadership and outcomes mindsets:

  • A cross organisational cohort who are confident and keen to lead this new process, the strategy and the outcomes plan
  • A critical mass of leaders with the leadership and communication skills to build a culture that can operate as one large, agile team to achieve big things
  • Data informed cultural, leadership and engagement insights for performance recognition, problem solving and support
 For more information click here

Mastery of strategy

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